Summary and Suggestions

1.1 Purpose of praticum 

1. Benefits for the practitioner include the following.
a. Get the opportunity to practice the knowledge gained during lectures in the teaching and learning process.
b. Know and understand directly the process of learning activities.
c. Maturing the way of thinking, increasing the reasoning power of the practitioner in reviewing, formulating and solving educational problems. d. Increase the ability of the practitioner in the preparation of learning and teaching in the classroom.

2. Benefits for schools include the following.
a. Improve the quality of education. Get the latest information about the world of education that has been obtained by the practitioner from the lecture.
c. Schools get input and suggestions that can build schools in a more advanced direction.
d. Obtain knowledge transfer regarding methods and the latest learning model model in accordance with the relevant field of study.

1.2 Procedures of praticum 

1. Arrange a teaching program
The teacher designs a learning program in written form. The results of this design are useful for determining how the style and color of learning will be carried out by the teacher in the classroom.

The results of the teacher's special design in one meeting are known as the learning plan. See also: Teacher That Learning Designer

2. Implement a teaching program
The implementation of learning has been arranged in such a way through the school's academic calendar. Programs that have been made in such a way by teachers are carried out through face-to-face meetings in the classroom.

Has a teacher carried out learning in accordance with the design that has been made or not. This will only be known by the teacher concerned. But the success of the implementation of PBM can not be separated from the touch of art and teacher creativity. Also read: The teacher is a Learning Artist

3. Carry out an evaluation or evaluation
Assessment carried out by the teacher after carrying out learning activities is a must. The goal is to find out whether the learning goals have been achieved or not. Have students experienced mastery learning or not.

4. Analyze the results of the assessment
The teacher needs to analyze the results of student evaluations. The results of this analysis will be useful for follow-up on student learning outcomes. Through a certain format can be obtained an overview of the results of student learning activities.

5. Carry out improvement / trust programs
This program is a follow-up to the results of teacher analysis of student learning outcomes. If students have experienced mastery learning, students have the right to receive an enrichment program for subject matter.

Conversely, if they have not fulfilled the criteria for completeness, students follow a remedial or improvement program.

Procedures number 4 and 5 are steps that are often missed by the teacher's attention. Even though these steps are important activities carried out by teachers to improve the quality of learning in schools.

If there is another assignment given by the principal, it is only an additional task in the context of developing the teacher's profession. This subject will be discussed in the next article.

1.3 Outcomes of praticum 

The first advantage of teaching is that we can share knowledge or skills with others. Teaching means that we share a knowledge or skill that we have previously learned from other people who want to have the same knowledge or expertise we have. By sharing these knowledge and expertise, we have helped others to be better for themselves and indirectly we have also helped reduce the level of ignorance of our country. Through teaching, we can also help our country to reduce poverty due to the low level of ability or knowledge of each individual in this country.
The second advantage of teaching is that we can improve our own abilities, because before we teach, we are indirectly required to prepare the material we will teach. In preparing the material we are going to teach, of course we must review everything we have learned or compile all the knowledge and expertise we have in the form of the material we will teach. By teaching indirectly we have also helped ourselves to recall everything that has been studied and can help to continue to hone the skills we have.
The third advantage that I managed to find is that we get rewards, either in the form of money or whatever, from the results of our teaching activities. We admit it or not, I'm sure most of it makes rewards one of our motivations for doing something. The same thing is most likely also true for the teaching activities that we do, we almost certainly also have the motivation to get rewards.
That is my brief review of the benefits of teaching that I have found from my experience as a teacher. It turns out it's not wrong if many say that the profession as a teacher (teacher and lecturer) is a noble profession, because we can share something good and benefit others. But it turns out that besides we benefit others, it turns out that whether we realize it or not, we have benefited ourselves. For everyone who has a call or desire to become a teacher, just fill in the call until you have another new or higher call. Greetings to the teachers!

1.5 The challenges of praticum

The challenges in teaching during Thailand are related to the language. Because the majority of Thai students who are so foreign with English make me have to do a lot of ways so that the material I convey can be understood by children.

1.6 Suggestions for future

Hopefuly, the seateacher program in the next batch would be better, there would be no discrimination in this matter. And, Thai lecturers who are responsible for this activity are wiser in responding to any problems that occur.


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Daily report in Thailand

Teaching Practice: Procedures of teaching, Time management and organizing activities